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Middle/High School Attendance

Regular, punctual attendance is essential if students are to receive  maximum benefit from their educational experiences. Certain rules and regulations regarding attendance are necessary. All students are expected to be in attendance every day that school is open for instruction.  A series of written notifications and/or telephone contacts will be made with parents to try and circumvent potential attendance problems.  Students who miss more than 12 days may be required to provide a medical excuse for any additional absences to school.  

Students with 10 or more absences may be referred to juvenile court for mediation.  Excessive absences to school will result in truancy charges being filed in court. Absences of more than two hours and less than five hours will be recorded as a 1/2 day absence.  
Perfect Attendance 
To clarify the school’s policy regarding perfect attendance in regard to eligibility for exam exemptions and recognition at the Evening of
Excellence, the following guidelines will apply. Students achieving perfect attendance will have no absences or unexcused tardies from
school, except field trips and school-sponsored activities. In addition, a student must not accumulate more than five ( 5 ) excused late arrivals or departures before the 1st exam and from January 1 until the end of the school year. 
Family Vacations 
Family vacations during the actual school year should be avoided if at all possible. The disruption of the learning sequence makes it difficult for students to achieve their maximum educational potential. In those unavoidable cases, the Principal should receive a written
request as far in advance as possible. Students will be responsible for collecting assignments prior to leaving on vacation. Any work, which
can be completed and turned in prior to departure, is a definite plus.
According to the Board of Education policy, vacation absences of 5 days will be considered as 1 day of absence. In conjunction, the makeup work policy applies accordingly. For example, if a student misses 5 school days for a family vacation, he / she will be charged with only 1 day of excused absence; therefore, having one day plus one to complete makeup assignments upon his / her return to school. Six days absence would result in 2 days of excused absence and 2 days plus one to complete and turn in makeup assignments, etc. If you have questions regarding this policy, call the Principal or Assistant Principal in the Main Office.
Absence Procedures 
Parent/Guardian confirmation by telephone the morning of an absence is required. The parent/guardian is requested to contact the Office at  390-1274 between the hours of 7:15 AM and 12:00 PM the day of the absence. Please state the student’s name, grade, reason for the
absence, and identity of the caller. Upon the student’s return to school, a written note is also required providing:  student’s name and grade; date(s) of the absence; reason for the absence; and signature of the parent/guardian. This note is to be turned in at the main office within two ( 2 ) days of the student’s return for the absence to be EXCUSED. 
Early Dismissal 
Students wishing to leave school before the end of the school day are to bring a note signed by the parent/guardian to the Office
before school begins. The note is to include: student’s name, grade, time of dismissal, reason for early dismissal, and the parent’s/guardian’s signature. When dismissed, the student must sign out in the Office and then upon returning to school must provide a note of verification to the Office.  Faxed notes cannot be accepted for early dismissal due to liability reasons.

Leaving School Due To Illness 
Any call made to the parent/guardian requesting student release due to illness must be made in the Office. School policy is that ill students must be signed out by the parent/guardian/parental designee. So please carefully select a designee available to perform this task if
Legal Absences 
In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321, the following absences will be considered legal (excused) absences:

  • Personal illness
  • Critical illness in the family
  • Death of a relative
  • Quarantine in the home
  • Observance of a religious holiday (not instruction)
  • Any reason that the principal deems justifiable.

Make-up Work 
A student with an excused absence from school shall be granted the opportunity to make-up work missed and receive credit within specified time guidelines. It shall be the responsibility of the student to hand in the work missed within the number of days absent plus one day upon his/her return to school.   Make-up work not turned in within the make- up period will not be accepted, and the student will receive zeros.

Assignments/tests assigned prior to the student’s absence are due upon the student’s return to school.
Requests for Homework Assignments 
For absences of more than 3 days, a call may be made to the Office to request assignments from teachers. Since it takes a full day for
assignments to be secured, it is important that the call be made as soon as it is determined that the absence may be a lengthy one.
Tardy to School or Class 
Students who are late to school must report to the Office for a pink tardy slip to class. Car trouble, oversleeping, missing a bus or ride,
etc. are not valid excuses for tardiness. A student who is tardy to a class throughout the day will answer to that classroom teacher. An
accumulation of 3 unexcused tardies to school or to a given class during a grading period begins the disciplinary process with the
assignment of after-school detention. Students not signing in the office when tardy to start the day may receive immediate
disciplinary consequences.  Athletes must be here by 9:30 in order to practice or participate in a game, unless the absence is approved by a building administrator or a medical excuse is provided.
Unexcused Absence
A student shall be considered in illegal absence when not attending school for reasons other than those accepted as excusable by the state of Ohio. Unexcused absences will be recorded as either Truancy or Unexcused, and the student may receive zeros for the work missed that day.